Uphefumule okokuqala ngqa obengumsakazi weGagasi FM emva kokuphuma kwezinsolo zokuthi uyashiya emsakazweni Gagasi FM. UPenny Ntuli obe ngundaba mlonyeni vikini eledlule ngesikhathi kusabalala izindaba zokuthi angeke esaba yingxenye yalomsakazo. UPenny ubhale ekhasini lakhe likaFacebook elinabalandeli abangaphezu kwesigidi ukuthi kuyiqiniso ukuthi usethi khumu, ube eseveza nokuthi lomsakazo ubumthembisa ukumnika uR2800. 00 nenyanga. nasi isitatimende sikaPenny sesisonke ngezansi:
Ngithi angithathe lelithuba ngiphefumule. Ngiyazi sekukaningi amaphephandaba ebhala ngegama lami, ukuthi sengilaxaze umsebenzi.
Firstly ngithi Angisho entathelini yephepha Ilanga Newspaper ukuthi, I don’t appreciate the words you used to publish this article. Ningibeke njengomuntu ongenawo ungyabonga but also I understand you’d do anything to sell a story & every time I did any good anikaze nibhale ngami.
To confirm the “rumours”, yebo ngiyashiya emsebenzini. It was time to renew contracts & I was given the opportunity to come back this season. I gladly accepted the new show until I was told ukuthi I’ll be getting paid R 2 800 p/m. (Something not too far from what I was getting paid the past 2 years). Ngike ngazizwa ngidelelekile kodwa ngehlisa umoya ngabuyela kubaphathi ukuyocela ukuthi bathi review my salary. Ngaleyo mali angeke ngikwazi kwenza lutho. I asked ukuthi where will I be approved? Impilo izoma mengiveza iPayslip yami. I asked ngizowondla kanjan umndeni wami ngalemali ngoba bonke babheke mina? Bona bangaphila ngalemali? Bengingalwi. Umphathi wami u-Ayanda Melansi in the negotiations suggested I consider other things other than being ON AIR (this also killed my confidence heavily)
Ngibe sengithatha isinqumo sokuthi ngizocela bangabe besayivuselela iContract yami kulonyaka. Angiyekanga ngoba kukhona okungcono osengikutholile. Angiyekanga ngoba ngingasathandi, umuntu owazi mina uyazi how much I love ukusakaza and how much I love Gagasi FM but it’s true I’m not coming back this year kodwa yize kunjalo ngiyabonga kakhulu kwiGagasi FM for the opportunity.
By the way, for those Aspiring Presenters who’d love to go Commercial, sikhona iskhala shoot your shot.